Ecosystem Collection Map


There are lots of methods of scanning your environments, but one of the most foundational tools to use is an ecosystem collection map. An ecosystem collection map is unique because it allows us to completely brain dump into a template, describing things like users, physical objects, desired outcomes, etc. We can then examine these ideas in real life and look for patterns across maps.

To start, you’ll want to begin filling out the map using background research and your existing understanding. Some categories to consider are:

  • Users and Other Stakeholders

  • Activities

  • Emotions

  • Place/Context

  • Design Trends and Behavioral Patterns

  • Physical Objects

  • Desired Outcomes

There are so many possibilities that can exist in different environments and so much power in having multiple viewpoints on one board. Explore and have fun with this exercise!

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maad labs
Distributing the future more
maad labs is a do tank, not a think tank, that performs digital experiments, provides executive training, builds our own (largely AI/ML/Data) products, and consults with both venture-backed and large, multi-national companies bringing bold, audacious, and complex ideas, experiences, and technologies to market. We help organizations get future-proofed by leveraging impending technological disruptions.
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