Desert of the Unknown 🏜


During your travels through the magical world of Design Thinking, you've glared through a magic first diamond and, magically, were transported to The Desert of the Unknown 🏜!

A 90-120 workshop template that guides a team through interviews with up to ten stakeholders.

When to use The Desert of the Unknown Canvas?

As a workshop facilitator or team-lead, you want to align the team on the output of research interviews with stakeholders. The Desert of the Unknown is a place where the observers can take notes during the conversation.

  • The Desert of the Unknown works across multiple touchpoints:

  • Information gathering during an interview;

  • Helps the team with Note Taking;

  • Note Voting;

  • Grouping Notes;

  • Writing HMW's;

  • Prioritize Clusters with the Impact vs. Effort Matrix.

How does The Desert of the Unknown work?

We'll guide you through 9 key concepts:

  • Interview: A Researcher interviews with a stakeholder? 30-45 mins

  • Note Taking: During the interview, the observers take notes in their area.

  • Note Voting: Every participant votes their six favorite notes (one special must-have vote) 5 mins

  • Grouping Notes: Group the note together, define the Group name and move them to the correct box. 10 mins.

  • Write HMW's: As a group, formulate the How Might We questions per group. 15min

  • Prioritize Groups: Use the Impact vs. Effort Matrix to prioritize the Note Groups. 15min


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