UX Research Roadmapping Activities


This Miroverse template will help you facilitate activities with your product managers that will give you the information you need to be able to create UX research roadmap.

The three activities in this template will allow you to quickly learn from your product managers-

  1. What research questions need to be answered

  2. When they need to be answered and

  3. The type of research required to answer the questions.

After these exercises, you and your team of researchers will have access to information and perspectives that can help you develop a holistic view of what's important to the organization what you should spend your time researching.

Check out the blog post for more details - https://m.turbidity.top/blog/how-to-create-ux-research-roadmaps/


Zach McDonald image
Zach McDonald
UX Researcher
Zach works as a UX Researcher at Kira systems. As a natural team player, Zach understands how important collaboration is to do effective UX Research.
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