Marketing Metrics Planner


A framework for selecting better marketing metrics

The Marketing Metrics Planner is an ideation and planning framework that helps guide you toward more meaningful and impactful metrics. It's particularly helpful as a campaign planning tool in a collaborative team setting.

What are the benefits?

You can use the Marketing Metrics Planner as part of your campaign planning and strategy process, as it will help you identify critical measures of campaign success. Some of the key benefits of using this planning framework include the following:

  • Clarity & Focus - Sometimes metrics are chosen because they're convenient or familiar, but they may not be the best way to measure your campaign outcomes. This planning framework helps take you from arbitrarily choosing metrics that feel 'right' to selecting meaningful metrics directly aligned with your business objectives.

  • Stakeholder Alignment - When key campaign metrics and KPIs aren't discussed and agreed upon before a campaign kick-off, you may find you and your stakeholders spending more time discussing why metrics were chosen rather than actually evaluating your campaign achievements and learnings. This process helps you achieve alignment with your stakeholders early on in the campaign planning process.

  • Measurement Requirements - For some campaigns, you need to engineer (i.e. create) custom metrics to effectively measure your campaign outcomes. This process will help you identify any potential requirements for such custom metrics.

  • Effective Measurement - Some marketers want to choose metrics that make them look good, and if that's the case, then maybe this framework isn't for you. But if you're interested in selecting metrics that really matter and which can empower you with valuable learnings based on your success and failure, then this is the framework for you!

How does it work?

The Marketing Metrics Planner will walk you through several concepts, helping you understand common marketing business objectives, metric types, metric formats, and more. One of the core concepts you'll learn about in the framework is how to categorize your metrics by purpose. In total, there are six metric categories covered here:

  1. Exposure Metrics - Measure exposure to your marketing activation (e.g. campaign)

  2. Engagement Metrics - Measure how many people engaged with your channels, content or assets

  3. Perception Metrics - Measure affinity for your brand, product or service

  4. Experience Metrics - Measure the quality of the experience for those who engaged with your campaign

  5. Acquisition Metrics - Measure the overall efficiency of your marketing spend in achieving campaign outcomes

  6. Conversion Metrics - Measure how many people converted based on your campaign

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Stephen Tracy image
Stephen Tracy - Data, Demystified
I have 10+ years of experience working and teaching in the field of data analytics, market research and data visualization. I spent the first 7 years of my career working in-house at a number of global ad agencies where I built and led teams of data analysts, scientists and engineers. I'm currently the COO at an exciting data start-up based in Singapore.
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