KA 法


Are you involved in service planning and eager to create a service that truly delights users? Capturing user insights is crucial for that. This template is designed for conducting the "KA Method," which helps discover insights from users' actual behaviors and emotions during specific events. By thoroughly analyzing user actions, you can identify valuable insights!

*The "KA" in KA Method refers to Kazumi Asada from Kibun Foods.

How to Use It:

  1. Write down the user behaviors and events identified from your research.

  2. Make educated guesses about what users might be thinking during these actions.

  3. Dive deeper into the user behaviors and events to discover their underlying values.

  4. Evaluate the identified values against specific checking criteria.

Using this method will lead to a comprehensive analysis of user actions, helping you uncover valuable insights for your service planning!


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TDC SOFT Miro Team
TDC SOFT Inc. was founded in Tokyo in 1962. We are passionate about delivering value through IT, agile, and UX design for our customers and end-users. We take responsibility for getting things done to the end and always remain humble.
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