Improve Any Product - Product Management


When to use The Improving any Product template?

As a leader or facilitator, you experience moments when you need to bring team members together, and Elaborate on:

1. Product description

2. the Scope of the Product

3. Set the Goal of current improvement

4. Listen and identify User groups. Think about how it correlates with your Goal or company's mission.

5. Select User Group

6. Identify pain points

7. Prioritize pain points

8. List your solutions

9. Prioritize your solutions. Think about how your solutions correlate with your Goal or company's mission. Elaborate on MVP.

10. Define the Success Metrics.

Use Improving any product to start a structured conversation with the team and bring everyone on the same page.

Improving any product works across multiple points:

The Scope. - It's important to set the frame and understand your scope from the beginning increasing your chances for Success.

Set clear goals.

Understand who is your user.

Painpoints - have a clear idea about the pain points of your customers.

So you can properly address them and list the solutions.

How to improve any product. There are specific steps:

1. Make a Product description

2. Define the Scope

3. Set the Goal

4. Listen and identify User groups. Think about how it correlates with your Goal or company's mission.

5. Select User Group

6. Identify pain points

7. Prioritize pain points

8. List your solutions

9. Prioritize your solutions. Think about how your solutions correlate with your Goal or company's mission. Elaborate on MVP.

10. Define the Success Metrics.

The last thing that I would recommend is to create a simple risk evaluation. - Define - Prevent - Repair.


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Mark V. Smetanin image
Mark V. Smetanin
Product Portfolio Director@CHM inc.
E-commerce, AdTech, SalesFunnels, ShortTermRentals, Property Management, SAAS, Communication models, API, Payments, Fintech.
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