


If you want to help your team members gain a better understanding of each other's beliefs and perspectives, consider using the Constellation exercise. This exercise can be a great way to start meetings, launch teams, reboot teams, conduct retrospectives, and address many other situations. It has the potential to uncover misunderstandings and reveal similarities and diversity within the group, which can help boost team performance.

It's most effective when used with teams that have high levels of trust and psychological safety, as this allows team members to express their opinions openly without fear of being judged or ostracized. If a team lacks these qualities, some members may simply go along with the majority opinion without fully participating in the exercise.

1. Choose your design🤔 – Select one of the four provided designs for you to clone aka copy/paste.

  • all designs assumes the centre is more hot / appealing / strongly agree area and outside is more cold / off-putting /strongly disagree areawrite participants names in design 2 & 4 to make a nice constellation. Modify the amount of lines according to your needs, add more or remove existing on

  • Designs 3 & 4 are more suitable for Colour Accessibility

2. Write a title ✍️ – Write a title your frame. For better visibility, you can duplicate it in the frame's header. It could be a statement or question. Something that people can relate to. Duplicate the frame as many times as many questions/statements you have.

3. Create your avatar 🎭 – Ask participants to create own avatar. It could be anything: Emoji, Sticker, Icon, Photo, Drawing, Compilation of multiple things, even the simple shape like star. Below is just an example. After avatar is created - ask them to write own name under sticker below it.

4. Place avatar on radar 🧭 – Ask each participant to drag their avatar to the appropriate area on the radar/map to form a constellation

Instruction is also in the template itself along with some statements for inspiration


Nick Vitsinsky image
Nick Vitsinsky
Agile Coach/Scrum Master@Nickself
Nick is Amsterdam-based Agile Coach, Scrum Master and Facilitator with a passion for agility, team health and happiness, and... music. With a background of a theatre actor, journalism and public relationship and QA he is having an experience of more than 10 years helping team to find their own path towards success.
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