Community of Practice Kick-off Canvas


The Tacit community of practice kick-off canvas helps get your community started using a canvas framework to guide you through six questions.

About this board

This collaborative canvas is intended to help kick off or reset a community of practice.

At the end of this workshop, you should be able to clearly describe your community of practice and who it is for, have some goals to work towards and agreed on some actions for your core community members.


  1. Define your community name

  2. Identify who the community is for

  3. Clarify your community purpose

  4. Set your community goals

  5. Agree on roles for the core community members

When to use this board

Use it when you are kicking off a new community of practice, when you need a reset or revisit it regularly to keep your community up to date.


Emily Webber image
Emily Webber
Organisational consultant@Tacit
Agile, delivery & organisational consultant. Creating environments where people thrive so that organisations can too.
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