BPMN Diagram - Enhancing Knowledge Sharing


BPMN Diagram Process - Enhancing Knowledge Sharing


This BPMN diagram describes the process of improving knowledge sharing within a university research department. It includes the identification of knowledge gaps, the development and publication of knowledge resources, and the continuous improvement of these resources through feedback.


  • Researcher: A team member engaged in conducting research and identifying knowledge gaps.

  • Principal Investigator (PI): A senior researcher or project leader responsible for assessing and approving knowledge sharing initiatives.

  • Knowledge Manager: An individual responsible for reviewing, archiving, and publishing knowledge resources.

  • Library Services: The department responsible for managing the institutional repository and publishing resources.

  • IT Support: The team ensuring the accessibility and technical support of the knowledge resources.

Process Steps:

  1. Identify Knowledge Sharing Needs:

    • Researcher identifies a knowledge gap or need for sharing specific research information.

    • The Researcher informs the Principal Investigator (PI) about the identified need through a formal communication channel (e.g., meeting, email).

  2. Assess and Approve Knowledge Sharing Needs:

    • The PI assesses the identified knowledge sharing need to determine its validity and relevance to the research department.

    • If the need is valid, the PI approves the knowledge sharing initiative and assigns the task to a Researcher to develop the necessary knowledge resource.

  3. Develop Knowledge Resource:

    • The Researcher creates the knowledge resource, which could be a dataset, research paper, video tutorial, or any other relevant format.

    • The development process includes compiling information, ensuring data accuracy, and formatting the resource appropriately.

  4. Review Knowledge Resource:

    • The Knowledge Manager reviews the developed resource for quality, completeness, and adherence to institutional standards.

    • If the resource requires revisions, it is sent back to the Researcher for updates and improvements.

  5. Archive and Publish Resource:

    • Once approved, the Library Services archives the resource in the institutional repository, ensuring it is stored securely and is easily retrievable.

    • The Library Services then publishes the resource on relevant platforms (e.g., university website, research journals, online databases) to ensure it is accessible to the wider research community.

  6. Notify Research Community:

    • The Knowledge Manager communicates the availability of the new knowledge resource to the research community through various channels, such as email newsletters, internal bulletins, or collaboration tools.

    • This step ensures that all relevant parties are aware of the new resource and can access it as needed.

  7. Access Knowledge Resource:

    • Researchers and other stakeholders access the published knowledge resource through the institutional repository or other provided platforms.

    • IT Support ensures that the resource is accessible, addressing any technical issues that may arise.

  8. Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

    • Researchers and users of the resource provide feedback on its usefulness, accuracy, and any areas needing improvement.

    • The Knowledge Manager collects this feedback and, if necessary, initiates a new cycle of revisions to enhance the resource based on user input.

BPMN Diagram Elements:

  • Start Event: "Identify Knowledge Sharing Need" initiates the process.

  • Tasks: Tasks include identifying the need, informing the PI, assessing and approving the need, developing, reviewing, archiving, publishing, notifying the community, accessing the resource, and providing feedback.

  • Gateways: Decision points for assessing and approving the knowledge sharing need and the quality of the knowledge resource.

  • End Event: "Feedback Provided" concludes the process, ensuring continuous improvement.

  • Swimlanes: Separate lanes for each participant (Researcher, PI, Knowledge Manager, Library Services, IT Support) to delineate their responsibilities clearly.

By following this process, the research department can effectively enhance knowledge sharing, improve collaboration, and ensure that valuable research information is disseminated efficiently and accessed by the intended audience. The continuous feedback loop ensures that knowledge resources remain relevant, up-to-date, and of high quality.


Khawaja Rizwan


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Rizwan Khawaja
Solution Architect@KR IT Consultant
I hold master's degrees in computer science and project management along with trainings and certifications in various technologies. All this is coupled with 25 years of industry experience.
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