Customer Interview Preparation


Our Interview Preparation Template on Miro provides a detailed framework to help teams effectively prepare for and conduct customer interviews. This template is crucial for avoiding common interview mistakes and ensuring each session captures valuable insights. It structures the preparation process, clearly defines team roles, and suggests targeted questioning techniques to maximize the effectiveness of your interviews.

Template Features:

  • Defined Roles: Assign specific roles (interviewer, observer, note-taker) to team members to cover various aspects of the interview process thoroughly.

  • Comprehensive Preparation Steps: Detailed steps to align on interview objectives, develop questions, and prepare the team, ensuring everyone is focused and on the same page.

  • Question Strategy: Structured to encourage open-ended responses and deeper insights by focusing on real experiences and direct questions.

Streamlined Interview Process:

  • Initial Setup: Begin by setting the appropriate context to make interviewees comfortable and ready to share openly.

  • Engagement Strategy: Emphasize active listening, allowing the interviewee to speak freely while the team captures comprehensive notes.

  • Quick Debrief: Implement immediate post-interview debriefs to discuss findings and prevent data overlap or confusion.


  • Consistent Insight Quality: Achieve a higher standard of qualitative data from your interviews through structured preparation and execution.

  • Effective Team Coordination: Enhance team effectiveness with predefined roles and collaborative preparation.

  • Directly Actionable Results: Quickly turn interview insights into practical steps for product development or strategy adjustments.

Ideal for:

  • Product Manager: Organize and plan interviews with your target audience to learn what matters for them

  • Market Researchers: Conduct more effective interviews that provide deeper market insights.

  • UX Research Teams: Apply structured interviews to gain meaningful user feedback that informs design choices.

Use our Interview Preparation Template on Miro to conduct more effective interviews, ensuring every conversation with your customers is productive and insightful.


David image
Product Leader@d-pereira
David Pereira is a product leader with 15+ years of experience. He's sharpened his skills by leading diverse teams, from startups to giant corporations. Since 2020, he has openly shared his mistakes, failures, and insights on agile product management, reaching over 10 million readers worldwide. His thought-provoking courses had 15K+ satisfied students across 100+ countries. Let his unique expertise inspire your journey.
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