Cross Collaboration Planning


Cross collaboration board is used for planning. It allows brainstorming, mapping and aligning on planned initiatives across different teams and working lanes. It provides transparency in regards to work, ownership, involvement, and time engagement while building realistic expectations of what can be achieved and prioritized. It also highlights engagement, impact, or overload of individuals. Used in design team OKRs planning and alignment, but can be easily adapted to any other department and occasion.

Follow the steps to fill the board together with your team. Add your names, time-off, initiative names, and parties involved or informed. Use the flags for points to discuss, and do not forget to list the next steps after the session.

Good luck!


Małgosia Alicja Maślarz image
Małgosia Alicja Maślarz
Design System Lead
On the path to help others discover that design systems are not only useful, but also fun :).
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