Content Editorial - Step by Step


The Content Editorial Guideline board provides a framework for when teams or individuals need to collaborate or organise content before producing and sharing it. When to use it? You may know your audience needs and your content goals, but when you think about the content of your website, application or social networks, you don't know where to start. As a team leader, you might need to bring people to the same page when ideating and creating content for different platforms. As an individual, you need to self-organise your ideas or work in one to one session with your clients. That's when a Content Editorial Guideline can help you best. It will work as a framework for: organising ideas;setting priorities; serving as a content guide

How to use it, and what's the outcome?

You will be guided to create 3 main outcomes with additional steps. The outcomes are:

  • Content Statement

  • Types of Content

  • Content Goals, Pillars and subtopics

  • Combined with the additional steps (Tone of Voice, Vocabulary, Quotes, Hashtags, Keywords and Images), you will have your Content Editorial Guideline.


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