Concept Experiment


Plan where to start, potential challenges and what first successes look like.


Develop your own approach to how a concept can be imagined and delivered depending on your team’s capacity and needs.


A team of 4–6 with a range of experience who can contribute to the planning and experimenting phases of this activity.


To be used once you’ve created a set of concepts. Each concept might have several ways it can be interpretted or implemented. Use this experiment worksheet to capture each of those approaches and test them.


  1. Take one concept to begin with and create a worksheet for each approach your team thinks of

  2. Map out how you imagine the concept being realised

  3. Critically deconstruct your first idea and find ways it wouldn’t work, areas of resistance, a lack of knoweldge or experience, assumptions that need to be tested

  4. Find a way to overcome each of those problems above

  5. Decide who is responsible for the experiement and who will help

  6. Discuss what would change once the concept is realised, and what stories or metrics can be used to measure success

  7. Share your learnings with others and get feedback, then repeat the process until your experiment demonstrates a sustainable long-term implementation of a concept


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Foresight & Design
Greyspace is a foresight and design studio that works to envision and act towards more desirable futures for people and planet. We combine futures thinking with design and research to uncover how emerging trends and value shifts are driving new directions for organizations. We then work to inspire change today by aligning teams in times of transition, visualizing pathways into more sustainable futures and ensuring new strategies, visions and innovation are focused on the right goals.
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