Change Management



Every change is associated with new challenges. If you want to tackle them, you must leave your comfort zone and “dive into the deep.” This applies not only to individuals but also to teams or even whole organizations.

This template helps to develop multiple perspectives on such a "change process." Where do we come from, and where do we want to go? What new tools, processes, and skills do we need? How can we deal with associated fears and risks? What reward awaits at the end?

The interactive work on a common vision and representation of the challenge with the help of this metaphor is fun, animates creativity, and strengthens the sense of unity. The results may be translated into work packages with concrete to-dos or an inspiring animated presentation.


1) Open the template in your Miro board.

2) Adjust the title (From ... to ...) to specify what challenge or change is to be mastered.

3) Rephrase the questions in the frames if needed.


4) Explain to the participants the purpose of the template (You may take your inspiration from the introduction above)

5) Clearly state what topic is to be discussed (defined by the title)  and how the metaphor relates to your situation (red and green frames)

6) Go through the questions frame by frame. In an open discussion, collect, summarize, or rephrase answers on sticky notes until everyone can identify with the result.   

Blue: WHAT questions

White: HOW questions

Yellow: WHY question  


7) Export the result and share it with the participants.

8) Use the visualization on a regular basis to review the project e.g., to share experiences, track progress, and identify open issues)


If you want to communicate your project to a wider audience, transfer workshop results to PowerPoint. An editable and animated PowerPoint template can be purchased at:

(Sorry, only available in German so far. Please contact if you are interested in an English version)


Christian Ridder image
Christian Ridder
Visual Facilitator@BUSINESS as VISUAL
I am an expert in visualizing ideas, processes, use cases, visions and strategies. Services include graphic recording, visual facilitation, business illustration, explain-videos and visualization training. My visualizations have helped hundreds of teams to share perspectives, develop creative solutions, and move into a common direction. I share some best-practice examples in Miro. For more examples or individual solutions please check my website or get in touch!
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