Business Development Scenarios Assessment


About the template

This template was developed to evaluate several company development scenarios in order to select the best option. It is especially useful in a situation where you have several brands (perhaps a parent and a subsidiary brand) and you need to understand how to develop them in the future: completely merge the companies within one of them, or, on the contrary, create a group of companies while maintaining culture/workflows/team and other aspects for each organization.

Why to use our template

The assessment is made from the perspective of one of the companies in which the participants are employed at the time of the workshop.

Thanks to a free and non-standard rethinking of the SWOT methodology within the framework of this mini-workshop, participants will be able to jointly analyze the possible transformation of each of the most important components of the company as a result of the implementation of one or another scenario. They will be able to evaluate:

  • how their team/teams will change

  • how their workflows will change

  • how their company's culture will be transformed

  • what impact each scenario will have on the production process and the final appearance of their company’s products.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to make a personal, focused assessment of the concepts/scenarios for the company's future, taking into account all the data of the SWOT matrix, and choose the highest priority development option, justifying their choice.

To make it easier for participants to familiarize themselves with the SWOT method, comprehensive and illustrative methodological reference is located under the second frame of the board. Due to the well-built UX-design of each frame, your participants will not experience any difficulties with transferring board elements from one exercise to another, with their editing, prioritization and final visualization.


Mode team image
Mode team
We are Møde. We specialize in strategic facilitation of decentralized teams. We know how important it is for teams to work in close collaboration with each other. We know how difficult it is to achieve this goal when people in a team are geographically far from each other. We are focused on ensuring your team creates solutions that will inspire them at each stage of implementation. Our key task is the performance of your team in full collaboration and synchronization with each other.
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