Boston Celtics Retrospective


The Boston Celtics with a remarkable 17 NBA championships the Celtics have been a powerhouse in the NBA and in sport in general.

The Bill Russell era marked an unprecedented period of dominance, where the Celtics secured numerous championships in the 1950s and 1960s. Russell, alongside legends like Bob Cousy, helped solidify the Celtics' legacy as one of the greatest teams in the history of the NBA.

The Larry Bird era brought a resurgence of championship glory in the 1980s. Bird, Kevin McHale, and Robert Parish formed a formidable trio, guiding the team to three NBA titles during the decade and solidifying their status as basketball legends.

Following these golden eras, the Celtics navigated challenging years but always maintained their storied legacy. Then came the 'big three' era, featuring Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and Kevin Garnett, which culminated in an NBA championship in 2008.

Throughout their history, the Celtics have exemplified teamwork, resilience, and a commitment to excellence.

This Retrospective has four parts:

1. Icebreaker: Will you find the 4 leaf clover? You can play alone or in groups.

2. Mood Check: In which era will you place the last Sprint of your Team. Write your name in the stickies and placed in one of the three era's.

3. Retrospective: Based on three sections, place your stickies, and then present them to the team.

4. Vote using the Miro feature and select three actions to take during this Sprint.


Gerard image
Scrum Master@Ypsomed AG
I'm a guy from Barcelona living in Switzerland. I love creating new boards and using beautiful ones that I find in this community to engage my team to participate more and more.
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