(Backlog) Refinement Workshop


The Backlog Refinement Card Workshop is an engaging and dynamic session designed to foster a comprehensive understanding of agile refinement practices and techniques. With a Talk Track by Nils Hyoma, this workshop provides a unique opportunity for participants to explore innovative perspectives in backlog management and collaborative problem-solving.

Through the integration of Talk Tracks, participants can leverage a series of meticulously curated guides and frameworks, enhancing their comprehension of backlog refinement strategies. These Talk Tracks serve as invaluable resources, offering insightful narratives and practical insights into the intricacies of agile software development and effective backlog management.

During the workshop, attendees will actively engage in refining the 'Skip the Baggage Carousel' app, utilizing firsthand experiences and the powerful Backlog Refinement Cards. Through collaborative exercises and discussions facilitated by the Talk Tracks, participants will gain a deeper understanding of key agile principles, enabling them to navigate complex challenges and drive meaningful improvements within their respective teams and projects.

Find the Cards on Etsy as well!


Nils Hyoma image
Nils Hyoma
Agile Lead@MHP - A Porsche Company
Nils Hyoma is a business informatics post-graduate from Hamburg University, a professional agile coach, and a passionate amateur water polo player. Nils studied Japanese studies, international business studies, and business informatics in Hiroshima and Hamburg. Many years as an active developer, he learned the basics of agile software development. After working in online retail / eCommerce and in IT consulting, he is now part of the coaching team at MHP - A Posche Company since 2024.
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