B2B Discovery Workshop


This template will help you run discovery workshop for your company or your client if you are an agency. The workshop is divided into two parts.

The goal of the first part of this workshop is to get to know the company in depth, what are its most important products/services and what challenges are they currently struggling with. Then, use these challenges and turn them into solutions and action plan.

The second part focuses on your competition for each of your products/services. Here you'll scan through the competitors and define the deciders at your target companies as well as their pains and gains, which will help you to set tactics to get their attention and turn them into marketing-qualified leads and then into sales-qualified leads at the end.

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Strategic B2B Growth Architects
We are seasoned architects of business growth. Our journey began with a singular vision: to empower B2B businesses to reach their full potential through strategic growth and innovative solutions. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with the B2B landscape, and we’re committed to helping our clients navigate this terrain with confidence and foresight.
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