API Impact Grid - Developer Relations


The API Impact Grid allows Developer Relations and Product teams to visually depict how APIs address user needs. It also establishes a connection between API resources, which represent technical aspects, and Job areas, which represent the business aspect.

Steps Involved:

  1. Data gathering.

  2. Assessing DevX, friction.

  3. Business area identification.

  4. Figuring out the linchpin 📍

  5. Building the associations.

  6. Synthesis & iterative improvements.

Questions that can be asked as a result of having the grid:

  1. Which business area has the best API coverage?

  2. Are App builders' needs fully met with the APIs that we currently provide?

  3. Which API resources have the highest rate of friction?

  4. How does a friction/gap that appears with the API resource affect the business/job areas?

  5. How does the API coverage for a job area look like if we include/exclude a particular linchpin item (Say, apps/integrations)

✉️ Feel free to reach out if you have questions or feedback!

❤️ Credits and special thanks to Helena, Elina & The Pipedrive DevRel team for shaping the grid.


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