AI Working Agreements Workshop


The AI Working Agreements workshop helps your team create clear, shared norms and expectations for how you collectively use AI.

Who is this workshop for?

If your team has started using AI but is unsure of how AI is being used in your work and how to make the most of it, then this workshop is for you!

How to use this template?

  • Schedule 1 hour for the workshop with your team

  • Map the AI tools that your team is using – what tools are supported by a company policy? What tools are being used individually? What is the team still unsure of?

  • Map the tasks that your team is collectively using AI for – what tasks are clear and supported by a best practice? What tasks need further testing and learning?

  • Use the template to co-create a v1 of your team's AI working agreements

  • After the workshop, document your working agreements

  • Revisit these working agreements in 3-6 months and iterate based on what your team learns


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