Agile Sales KanBan


Agile Sales KanBan is used for daily or weekly meetings of team members, who take care of sales in the company.

This KanBan has four key purposes:

  1. It helps track your pipeline

  2. Everything is transparent so people can see who needs help & who has done work with the client.

  3. It helps you track your losses though phases & makes it easier to test different propositions.

  4. It makes your after-sales work more predictable, because people can transparently see what opportunities are coming along.

The KanBan has 7 vertical phases that are of course adaptable to your sales funnel if it is different than this. Phases go from left to right & start with Client Wishlist, following by First Contact, proposal Preparation, Concept (if necessary), Proposal Sent, Follow Up & Win. At the end of the phases you can see the Lost section, where you can put clients that you lost during the sales process.

The rules are simple:

  1. Before every Sales progress meeting the facilitator turns all of the post it notes white, except the pink ones (Need help).

  2. At the start of the meeting the first 5 to 10 minutes participants can add New clients (green), mark Progress on a Client or mark that they Need help. White post it notes mean No change happened with the Client.

  3. After everyone is done preparing, participants take turns and share only the information about New Clients, progress and areas where they need help from others. Sometimes when you need to send a Proposal, you also have to share a Concept (e.g Marketing Agencies). If you involve other people into preparation of the Proposal, then this client goes into Concept Kanban.

  4. Concept KanBan has the same functionalities as a regular KanBan. The team working on a Concept first writes down all task, then they start to work on them or prioritise the tasks if necessary.

Don't forget that the information is transparent & useful only if you align on what are the necessary information that you have to put on the post it note. Clients name, date of the meeting, brief link for the proposal etc. Of course it depends on how you are organised so it is really necessary that you adapt the board to your goals & needs.

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