Aal Izz Well (All is Well) Retro


Why choose this retro?

The Aal Izz Well Retrospective is based of the movie called 3 idiots. It’s a 2009 light- hearted, fun Indian Hindi-language comedy-drama. If you haven’t seen the movie before I highly recommended. It has received numerous awards in India and abroad. The movie is about the friendship of three students at an Indian engineering college and is a satire about the social pressures under an Indian education system.

We will use the various themes of this movie to examine ways we can improve in our next iteration.

I believe you can find the movie on Netflix or the full video on YouTube 😊

How to use the retro:

First do some pre-work by having the team recall all the activities that happened within your sprint. If your sprint is more than a week, sometimes we need a refresher of all the activities that occurred. You can also encourage your team to watch the film before-hand if they have not seen it.

At the start of the retro use 5 minutes to do the Icebreaker activity. You can set the stage by talking through the "What happened in Sprint X" section. From there read all the different themes that occurred within the movie. While the team is writing their thoughts on each sticky note you can have some fun by playing popular songs within the movie.

See a playlist here: Timebox to 8-10 min

  • Aal Izz Well

  • Zoobi Doobi Remix

  • Give Me Some Sunshine

Read each sticky note within each theme. If similar points are written join them together

Use dot voting or the voting tool to decide on which topics to discuss first

Generate 3-5 action items or experiments to try within the next iteration.

Close the retro summarizing the action items and then using the darts in the "close the Retro" section

Have Fun :)


Elizabeth Moore image
Elizabeth Moore
Agile Coach
Elizabeth, the Agile enthusiast and Coach, ignites team transformation with her fervor for fostering customer-centricity and continuous improvement. Infusing fun and creativity into her coaching approach, she empowers teams to push boundaries and discover their full potential.
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