20/80 Process Diagram - EOS® Compatible


This is the template that the Process experts here at BuildYourOrg utilize to create simple and effective process diagrams to support the success of any company's Process Component™.

This template includes:

  • 20/80 Documentation Approach

  • Seat Assignments

  • Scorecard Measureables

  • Identify Streamline Opportunities

  • Example process to follow along with

🏆 New for Version 2.0

  • More In Depth Sample Employee Onboarding Process

  • Loom video showing HOW to create a video walkthrough

    • For process owners to explain how much/little detail to go into.

🚨 To go a step further, join our Free 90 Day Process Course 🚨

Give it a try at your company running on EOS® today!

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Adam Schweickert image
Adam Schweickert
We work with companies running on EOS® (Entrepreneurial Operating System) to identify, document, simplify and package their core processes in 90 days.
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