by Miro
The Miro Timer helps to manage and track your time while running a meeting or workshop in real time. Whether you’re a seasoned facilitator, leading a spontaneous brainstorm session, or working solo — our timer will boost your productivity by taking care of your most precious resource.
Key Features:
- After installation, the countdown timer icon will appear on the Collaboration Toolbar in the bottom left corner of your Miro boards.
- The countdown timer is viewable by all collaborators, including guests, and will open directly on the Miro board and is also viewable in Presentation Mode.
- Board editors, except guest editors, can start a countdown.
- Before starting the timer you can choose from 6 royalty free music tracks to play during the countdown.
- Once a countdown is started you can pause and add more time.
Helpful Links:
- Set up by: anyone in your team
- Supported apps: browser app, Mac app, Windows app.
- Plans: Team, Business, Consultant, Enterprise, and Education
* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.
Verify pricing details with the developer*
About the developer
United States
Miro provides a visual workspace for innovation that enables distributed teams of any size to dream, design, and build the future together.