Sumo Logic app for Miro

Sumo Logic app for Miro

The Sumo Logic app for Miro provides visibility into Miro audit logs to ensure the security and compliance of your Miro environment. The app leverages the Miro cloud-to-cloud source to collect audit log data and provides pre-built dashboards and visualizations to enable security teams to easily monitor and investigate potential security threats.

Key Features

  • The app provides a comprehensive overview of key security events and user activity.
  • It includes widgets that track key metrics such as total events, board events, team events, sign-in security events, and more.
  • Insights into the distribution of sign-in security events and sign-ins over time by authentication methods.
  • The dashboard also highlights sign-ins from risky geo-locations, which helps you to quickly identify potential security threats and take appropriate actions to mitigate them.

These widgets help you to monitor your account performance, identify improvement areas, and ensure their data's security. With these widgets, you can easily monitor and manage their security posture, ensuring your data and systems remain secure and protected. With the Sumo Logic app for Miro, security teams can stay on top of potential security threats, proactively identify vulnerabilities, and respond quickly to security incidents.

How to connect

Follow the instruction on the following page: Sumo Logic App Catalog

Helpful links

* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.


Admin, security, user managementPaid with free trial


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About the developer

Sumo Logic

United States

Sumo Logic provides best-in-class cloud monitoring, log management, Cloud SIEM tools, and real-time insights for web and SaaS based apps.


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