Highlight Selected

Highlight Selected

Highlight Selected let's you create highlights for your shapes (which are configurable) with specific highlight name and color. This can help you organize whatever your shapes represent - like business processes for your system components. And then it let's you turn on highlight to visualy distinct said components so you can see them easier on your board.

You can add and remove shapes from created highlights also. And in future this plugin intends to add more visual distinction by adding optional temporary connections between shapes in Highlight or zoom in on selected highlight.

Key Features

  • Highlight of shapes
  • Save highlight by name and color
  • Add/remove shapes from highlights
  • Configure valid shapes for highlight

How to connect

  • Search for "Highlight Selected" on the board or Marketplace
  • Select "Connect" and follow the installation steps

Helpful links

* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.


NewMapping & diagrammingDesign toolsAgile workflowsIdeation & brainstormingFree