Dcipher Analytics

Dcipher Analytics

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Dcipher Analytics’ Miro integration lets you export Miro boards into Dcipher Analytics and publish semantic text landscapes created in Dcipher Analytics as a Miro board. Use it to combine Dcipher Analytics’ AI-powered tools for condensing and auto-clustering large volumes of text data in a few minutes with Miro’s collaborative possibilities.

Key Features:

- Easily convert Miro boards into structured Dcipher Analytics datasets

- Utilize content analysis and insight extraction features offered by Dcipher Analytics on Miro boards

- Reduce the time spent on manually clustering free-form text in Miro by importing AI-clustered and summarized semantic text landscapes from Dcipher Analytics into Miro.

How to Connect:

- Select Miro as the data source in Dcipher Analytics’s Data Import Wizard.

- Select the board you would like to export to Dcipher Analytics.

- Build a landscape generator pipeline in Dcipher Analytics Studio on the imported dataset.

- Find the “Export data to Miro” option under the selected workbench’s More actions button.

- Provide a name for the new Miro board to be created.

- Select the text, label, and coordinate source fields from your dataset.

- Click on the “Export” button.

- A new board will be created with sticky notes from your dataset and you’ll be redirected to the new Miro board.

Helpful Links:

Export landscapes as Miro boards

Importing data from Miro

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About the developer

Dcipher Analytics


Dcipher Analytics develops tools and solutions that give companies a competitive edge by boosting the productivity of the knowledge work that they do. We are dedicated to rethinking the ways in which professionals interact with and gain value from text.


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