Brand Icons

Brand Icons

Over 3000 popular brand icons from Useful to decorate elements on the board with the collection is being updating every week.

Key Features

  • Brands
  • Icons
  • Logos

How to connect

No configuration required, you can start using right after installation!

Request a new icon here.

Helpful links

* Note that any information provided by a third party application provider, including pricing and payment details as applicable, is subject to change and should be verified with the provider.


FreeDesign tools



Verify pricing details with the developer*


  • Read and modify boards users have access to

About the developer

Jiong Huang

North America

I am an open-sourcerer on GitHub. I used to be keen on open-source projects related to CLI, but now I am trying more possible directions. If we met here, then it is our fate. I look forward to discussing technology with everyone in the open-source community.


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